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We were both born and raised in humble and loving families in Wales and have between us, four children and four grandchildren. that we adore.  We are thoroughly family orientated and we communicate this principle through our ministry.


To many, Wales is known as ‘the land of revivals,’ because we have had more revivals than any nation of the world. As we travel the world ministering, we are constantly asked to share the stories of the great revival of 1904 and how it impacted the nations. Of course, we are always delighted to do so. When we do we always finish by asking people NOT to pray for another revival in Wales, because to revive something, is to simply bring it back as it was before.


Gwenda and I love the Church of Jesus Christ, but we believe it can never fulfil His mandate of discipling nations (Matthew 28:19), by doing Church in the way it has been done, in most places, for the last 17 centuries. We do not need another revival that comes and goes. We need a radical reformation of our concept of His Church and it’s purpose in the Earth.


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During the last 25 years or more, through services, conferences, seminars, our inHOPE TV Ministry, books and Social Media, we have taught the Word of God to encourage believers in their faith and to prepare the whole Church for this emerging reformation, that will radically change the focus and direction of the global Church.


What is this radical change this reformation will bring to the global Church?

It is something so simple, yet it will have enormous impact. It will release the ability of Holy Spirit to convict, save, heal and deliver multitudes, in every day places and encounters. It is bonafide, New Testament discipleship that will cause us to stop focusing on being Church orientated and instead, become Kingdom orientated. After all, this is the method Jesus and the apostles used which works. Why use another method that history reveals, doesn’t work?


Our ministry is producing and publishing materials that will help every individual Christian to be thoroughly discipled, in a systematic balanced way, in order for them to have the confidence and ability to share their faith in Jesus and disciple others in the way they were discipled.


Many leaders ask us to show them how to make the Church grow. But this is actually a wrong question. Everything God makes grows, because He gives it ability to reproduce. The question that needs to be asked is “What is preventing the Church from growing?”


We believe it is the traditionally taught concept of Church structure and vision that is actually hindering the Church to be effective witnesses and operate in the power of Jesus. Churches are more focused upon how many attend and stay in their meetings, when we should be focused on how many we thoroughly equip and send out to reproduce other disciples. We are using an ‘organisational’ model for Church instead of the ‘organic’ method, as revealed in the New Testament.


Church is changing and we believe a new reformation is arising all over the Earth, which will become  the greatest move of God ever seen in the history of the Church. Millions of believers will change their focus to “seek 1st the Kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33), leaving Jesus to do His work of “building His Church.” (Matthew 16:18)

(International Homes of Praise & Evangelism)

Millions of Christians flood into Church buildings every week, watching the same few people do the ‘ministry.’ They are instructed when to come in, stand, sit, clap, shout, sing, give, leave and when to come back next time. It is completely platform led and orientated. Most Christians believe the ‘ministry’ is done on and from a platform. Yet, this model of Church is seen nowhere in the New Testament and needs to be changed.


This reformation will cause the emphasis of the Church to flow out of the homes of believers, instead of the building called ‘the Church.’  It will raise up every believer to operate as a ‘minister’ of the things of God in and around our homes and workplaces.


Our homes will become places of worship, changing the spiritual climate of an area, drawing people into the Kingdom of God. Our homes will become the place of discipling new believers. Our homes will become the places the sick will be prayed for and miracles are seen. Jesus did more miracles and discipleship in homes and streets, than He ever did in a Synagogue or Temple.


Our  inHOPE discipleship program will help individuals and Churches embrace this reformation, making changes with wisdom and clarity, seeing the release of Holy Spirit’s ability, through every believer, everywhere they go.


Our mission is to connect and work with Christians who are ready to embrace this new reformation. If this is you, then connect with us today by using the contact form at the bottom of this page.


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4, Llys Ty Mawr, TREOES, CF35 5EQ, UK.

© 2021 by Wynne Goss Ministries.

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